Physician Details
Medical specialties and board certifications:
- Pediatric Medicine
- Nephrology
Medical school name/location:
- Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN
Fellowship name/location:
- Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Residency institution(s):
- Helen Devos Children's Hospital, Michigan State University, Grand Rapids, MI
Language fluency:
Contact Information
Driscoll Children’s Kidney Center
Driscoll Children's Hospital &
Children’s Physician Services of South Texas
3533 S. Alameda Street
Sloan Bldg., 2nd Floor
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
📞(956) 688-1200
📠(361) 808-2075
For consultation, appointments, and assistance: (361) 694-6128 or (800) 525-8687.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Driscoll Specialty Clinic – McAllen
1120 E. Ridge Rd.
McAllen, Texas 78503
Office #:(956)688-1200
Driscoll Specialty Clinic – Brownsville
5500 N. Expressway 77-83
Brownsville, Texas 78526
Driscoll Children's Hospital - Rio Grande Valley
2820 Michelangelo Drive
Edinburg, Texas 78539
Office #:(956)688-1200